UMR Agroecologie


How can we develop sustainable agriculture, enabling production to meet food requirements in terms of quality and quantity, while respecting the environment?

The aim of our research is to improve our understanding of biotic interactions (in particular plant-plant and plant-microorganism interactions) within agrosystems, in order to design innovative, environmentally-friendly cropping systems. In this way, the research carried out addresses two major challenges: :

  • Analyze, understand and act on interactions and regulations within communities at different spatial and temporal scales;
  • Propose innovative cropping systems to ensure quality agricultural production, in sufficient quantity, while respecting the quality of the environment.
  • This research is conducted at different levels of integration (from molecule to community) and spatio-temporal scales (microcosm, plot, landscape, crop cycle, rotation, etc.). It draws on complementary expertise in the fields of agronomy, ecology, biology, physiology and ecophysiology, genetics, microbiology and modeling.

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