Seed Filling & Abiotic Stresses in Legumes Improving and stabilizing the quality of legume seeds, especially peas and faba beans, to accelerate food and agroecological transitions.


Animation : Karine Gallardo et Vanessa Vernoud

The research aims to improve the quality of legume seeds for human nutrition (protein and amino acid content and composition, organoleptic properties). It also aims to stabilize seed yield and quality in the context of climate change associated with mineral deficiencies. Association genetics and integrative biology (multi-omics data) approaches are used to identify candidate genes, and resources/tools are developed for functional validation of these genes and varietal improvement.

Research is structured along 3 axes:

Focus 1. Seed development and quality.

The objectives are to provide knowledge of the molecular processes controlling seed development and storage protein accumulation, and to mobilize the genetic lever (direct and reverse genetics) to optimize and stabilize the quantity and quality of proteins (in relation to their functionality), as well as the organoleptic properties of seeds (green taste, bitterness, astringency).

Axis 2: Tolerance to abiotic stresses, trade-offs between seed quality and agronomic performance.

The objectives are to understand the interactions between climate change-associated stresses and nutritional deficiencies using integrative approaches (multi-omics) during the reproductive phase, to elucidate the role of sulfur in the trade-off between seed quality and stress tolerance, and to identify biomarkers and regulatory genes to predict and stabilize seed yield and quality under fluctuating conditions (e.g. water shortage, high temperatures, nutritional deficiencies).

Axis 3: TILLING & Biotechnologies.

TILLING populations in pea are developed, maintained and used for functional studies of genes (Axes 2 and 3) and as a source of favorable alleles for varietal improvement, and methods for transgenesis in pea are developed.

Current projects coordinated by the team:

  • ANR PEAVALUE (2020-2024): Optimizing the protein value of pea seeds.
  • ANR PIVERT (2023-2026): Removing off-flavor components from pea seeds by genetic means.
  • ANR France 2030 LETSPROSEED (2023-2028): Pushing back the limit to the use of legume proteins in human nutrition by improving seed quality and processing without compromising stress resistance.
  • BAP PeaREG (2023-2024): Identifying regulatory genes to improve pea seed yield and quality in response to abiotic stresses.

Other projects in which the team is involved: Transbio HOLOSTRESS (2022-2024), Métaprogramme Syalsa LEGUMIC (2023-2024), Plant2Pro EFfort (2023-2025), PIA SPECIFICS (2020-2026).

Some publications:


Durand-Tardif M., Cailliatte R., Carré P., Della Valle G., Enjalbert J., Gallardo K., Gaudichon C., Guyon J.-B., Jezequel S., Lorinet I., Magrini M.-B., Ravel C., Renard C. & Saint Eve A. (2022) Protéines végétales pour une santé globale : identification des connaissances, verrous et leviers pour leur développement dans l'alimentation humaine. PlantAlliance. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03896437v2

Vernoud V., Lebeigle L., Munier J., Marais J., Sanchez M., Pertuit D, Rossin N., Darchy B., Aubert G., Le Signor C., Berdeaux O, Lacaille-Dubois MA, Thompson R. (2021) β-Amyrin Synthase1 Controls the Accumulation of the Major Saponins Present in Pea (Pisum sativum). Plant Cell Physiol. 62: 784-797. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03211149

Cartelier K., Aimé D., Ly Vu J., Combes-Soia L., Labas V., Prosperi J.-M., Buitink J., Gallardo K.* and Le Signor C.* (2021) Genetic determinants of seed protein plasticity in response to the environment in Medicago truncatula. Plant J. 106: 1298-1311. *co-last and co-corresponding authors. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03177967

Henriet C., Balliau T., Aimé D., Le Signor C., Kreplak J., Zivy M., Gallardo K.* and Vernoud V.* (2021) Proteomics of developing pea seeds reveals a complex antioxidant network underlying the response to sulfur deficiency and water stress. J. Exp. Bot. 72: 2611-2626. *co-last and co-corresponding authors. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03276009

Courbet G., Gallardo K., Vigani G., Brunel-Muguet S., Trouverie J., Salon C., Ourry A. (2019) Disentangling the complexity and diversity of crosstalk between sulfur and other mineral nutrients in cultivated plants. J. Exp. Bot. 70: 4183-4196. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-02184358

Gallardo K., Besson A., Klein A., Le Signor C., Aubert G., Henriet C., Térézol M., Pateyron S., Sanchez M., Trouverie J., Avice J.-C., Larmure A., Salon C., Balzergue S., Burstin J. (2019). Transcriptional reprogramming of pea leaves at early reproductive stages. Front. Plant Sci. 10: art 1014 (17p). https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-02270632

Henriet C., Aimé D., Terezol M., Kilandamoko A., Rossin N., Combes-Soia L., Labas V., Serre R.-F., Prudent M., Kreplak J., Vernoud V.* and Gallardo K.* (2019) Water stress combined with Sulfur deficiency in pea affects yield components but mitigates the effect of deficiency on seed globulin composition. J. Exp. Bot. 70: 4287-4303. * co-last and co-corresponding authors. https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-02627230

Team members with a permanent position:

Karine Gallardo (DR)

Vanessa Vernoud (CR)

Titouan Bonnot (CR)

Christine Le Signor (IR)

Delphine Aime (TR)

Myriam Sanchez (TR)

Nadia Rossin (TR)

Catherine Conreux (TR)

Nicolas Jeannin (TR)

Thèses :

Fanélie Bachelet (Nov 2021-)

Anne-Solenn Valendon (Dec 2023-)

Post-Doc :

Yara Noureddine (Sept 2022-)

Chargé de Mission Retraité :

Sergio Ochatt (Sept 2023-)

Modification date: 31 July 2023 | Publication date: 31 July 2023 | By: VN