Plateforms research

Plateforms research

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The Microscopy Center INRAE/University of Burgundy (MC) offers a coherent set of heavy equipment, methods, technologies and skills for cellular and molecular imaging. Its aim is to answer scientific questions using multi-modalities for in situ visualization, characterization and identification, in various scientific fields belonging to the life sciences.
Plant Phenotyping Platform for Plant and Micro-organism Interactions
Studying and managing biodiversity in agricultural settings requires genetic ressources of animals, plants and microorganisms. To assure their conservation and utilization, these multiple actors have to be taken into account, including their functionality and their interactions. Managing these biological ressources involves their preservation but also their characterization and evaluation, as well as their dissemination. These are the reasons why a Biological Resource Center including different types of plant and microbial resources was created in Dijon (France). Its objectives are to promote technical aspects of organism preservation, to improve identification and characterization tools and to maintain databases assembling taxonomic and ecological traits of organisms, as well as to provide high-quality germplasm for researchers and industry cooperations. Uniting the four collections in a Biological Resource Center allows to better coordinate common approaches in quality control, for common funding and towards certification
The GenoSol platform, whose core business is the long-term conservation of environmental matrices, is located at the UMR Agroecology in Dijon and was created in 2008. This platform offers a unique infrastructure in Europe, with the aim of providing a logistical and technical structure for the acquisition, conservation, characterization and availability of soil genetic resources (DNA) resulting from large-scale sampling.

Modification date: 19 August 2024 | Publication date: 19 June 2024 | By: VN