Microscopy Center – DIMACELL

Microscopy Center – DIMACELL

The Microscopy Center INRAE/University of Burgundy (MC) offers a coherent set of heavy equipment, methods, technologies and skills for cellular and molecular imaging. Its aim is to answer scientific questions using multi-modalities for in situ visualization, characterization and identification, in various scientific fields belonging to the life sciences.


This technical platform is located in the Dommergues building at the INRAE Dijon center. It offers a range of equipment, methods and technologies enabling a wide range of techniques to be applied.

This shared facility is open to all researchers in the public and private sectors. The MC not only provides access to heavy-duty light and electron microscopy equipment, but also enables full sample preparation. It provides real synergy for imaging at different scales, from tissue to sub-cellular. What's more, it combines the quantitative aspect of image acquisition with the development of image processing and analysis.


The CM brings together 5 people for a total of 3.5 FTE. Its expertise lies in identifying and characterizing the mechanisms involved in plant-microorganism interactions. It combines photonic and electron microscopy techniques.

A list of the microscopy center's staff is available on our contact page.



  • Transmission electron microscope
  • Scanning electron microscope
  • Laser dissecting microscope
  • Confocal laser scanning optical microscope (straight)
  • Confocal laser scanning optical microscope (inverted)
  • Leica DMRB photonic microscope
  • Image analysis


Modification date: 20 August 2024 | Publication date: 26 July 2023 | By: VN